Pete Caswell waiting for sunset

Sunset Paintings

Love Love Love Sunsets in Paint and Art to Dream and Drift bathed in light dissolved into Bliss

Pete Caswell in the past.

More about Pete

Don’t forget to Smile

Hyatt Regency San Francisco, San Francisco, United States

Inspirational Art in Sunsets

Happy to Love

Using bold colours and plenty of light in the paintings I love to capture the scenes from around the world which have brought the most joy to me and you. Skiing, sailing and surfing, the ocean and the beach are my favourite themes and I love to paint them over and over again.

Every time I paint, it is like I am transported back into my favourite places in the world and not just the place but that very special moment in time where I felt that wonderful happiness and joy from that particular trip. It is this focus on the joy and fun of these special places we love to visit that makes these paintings so unique and special. Take a look through some of the paintings and see if you can pick up on the special feelings that these paintings are imbued with.

Love My Art
Love a Sunset
Smile All Day